這篇 晚了幾天....因為實在是放假放到一個懶到極致的地步.....

還是先來不能免俗的review一下 2010年許的願望....



1. 我還是希望我的家人跟朋友們能健康又快樂. (算是有達成吧, 如果去年過的不快樂的就不算是我朋友啦!!!!哈哈哈哈)

2. 希望今年我能跟我的新老闆相處愉快. (這個算是達成一半, 一度關係緊張, 但還是在我的睿智下慢慢化解緊張關係)

3. 希望Frank順利升等. (順利達成~~~~~~~)

4. 希望我能減肥3公斤. (有達成.....但是又胖回來了 >< 唉~~~~我真的不適合減肥!!)

5. 希望2010年能再去美國一趟看手帕交跟她兒子. (這個也達成囉!!!)

達成率不錯 (應該是我許的願望都太簡單的原因吧!!!)~~~~~人生無大志, 這樣我就很高興了.




1. 希望我的家人跟朋友們能健康又快樂

2. 希望今年能順利跟公司要求大幅度加薪

3. 希望我的老闆跟同事在工作上能對有我更多幫助

4. 希望我老公能早日脫離Depressed.........

5. 大秘密!!!!




forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天MSN上, 我同學很興奮的問我: 我幫我女兒取好英文名字
了, 叫Patricia, 你覺得怎樣??

既然他問我的意見, 我就直說了. 我說, 待在國外也好幾年了, 老實說, 除了香港跟台灣人, 還有極少數的中國人會另外取英文名字.

我所遇到的日本人, 韓國人, 土耳其人, 希臘人, 敘利亞人, 印巴人, 波蘭人, 法國, 德國, 西班牙人, 義大利人, 荷蘭人等等, 沒有一個國家的人是另外取英文名字的.

我仔細的想了想, 爲啥台灣人喜歡取英文名字呢???我想應該跟早期台灣的工業環境有關. 早期台灣為了拿到西方訂單, 身段柔軟的採用取英文名字為其中的手段, 以方便外國人記憶. 但是隨著時代的變遷, 台灣人已經不需要靠柔軟身段拿訂單. 而是靠實力.

但是取英文名字卻還是在台灣社會中流傳著. 我曾經好幾次, 被英國人問, 爲啥你不用自己的本名, 而要用英文名子?? 而我卻回答不出來. 只好說, 我小時候學英文, 英文老師幫我取的, 就一直用到現在. 結果人家聽了更奇怪, 居然英文名字還不是爸媽取的.

所以, 今天想寫這篇是因為, 想告訴大家, 其實不管中文多難發音, 他們都會願意一試再試, 直到你覺得發音正確了為止. 用自己的本名可以宣揚我們的中華文化, 跟美麗的繁體中文. 也可以讓對方覺得你是真正的台灣人, 因為我們用真名在跟對方交朋友, 而不是一個奇怪的英文名字, 連來源都沒辦法解釋清楚. 說的更嚴重一點, 用自己的本名, 也才會讓對方尊重我們. 如果我們自己都先讓自己矮了一截, 又要怎麼讓他們尊重我們呢??? 您說是吧?

forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

這篇文章是一個噗友介紹的. 雖然超過10年了, 不過看了仍是令人心有戚戚焉......



Jonathan I. Katz

Professor of Physics

Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.

[my last name]@wuphys.wustl.edu


Are you thinking of becoming a scientist? Do you want to uncover the mysteries of nature, perform experiments or carry out calculations to learn how the world works? Forget it!

Science is fun and exciting. The thrill of discovery is unique. If you are smart, ambitious and hard working you should major in science as an undergraduate. But that is as far as you should take it. After graduation, you will have to deal with the real world. That means that you should not even consider going to graduate school in science. Do something else instead: medical school, law school, computers or engineering, or something else which appeals to you.

Why am I (a tenured professor of physics) trying to discourage you from following a career path which was successful for me? Because times have changed (I received my Ph.D. in 1973, and tenure in 1976). American science no longer offers a reasonable career path. If you go to graduate school in science it is in the expectation of spending your working life doing scientific research, using your ingenuity and curiosity to solve important and interesting problems. You will almost certainly be disappointed, probably when it is too late to choose another career.

American universities train roughly twice as many Ph.D.s as there are jobs for them. When something, or someone, is a glut on the market, the price drops. In the case of Ph.D. scientists, the reduction in price takes the form of many years spent in ``holding pattern'' postdoctoral jobs. Permanent jobs don't pay much less than they used to, but instead of obtaining a real job two years after the Ph.D. (as was typical 25 years ago) most young scientists spend five, ten, or more years as postdocs. They have no prospect of permanent employment and often must obtain a new postdoctoral position and move every two years. For many more details consult the Young Scientists' Network or read the account in the May, 2001 issue of the Washington Monthly.

As examples, consider two of the leading candidates for a recent Assistant Professorship in my department. One was 37, ten years out of graduate school (he didn't get the job). The leading candidate, whom everyone thinks is brilliant, was 35, seven years out of graduate school. Only then was he offered his first permanent job (that's not tenure, just the possibility of it six years later, and a step off the treadmill of looking for a new job every two years). The latest example is a 39 year old candidate for another Assistant Professorship; he has published 35 papers. In contrast, a doctor typically enters private practice at 29, a lawyer at 25 and makes partner at 31, and a computer scientist with a Ph.D. has a very good job at 27 (computer science and engineering are the few fields in which industrial demand makes it sensible to get a Ph.D.). Anyone with the intelligence, ambition and willingness to work hard to succeed in science can also succeed in any of these other professions.

Typical postdoctoral salaries begin at $27,000 annually in the biological sciences and about $35,000 in the physical sciences (graduate student stipends are less than half these figures). Can you support a family on that income? It suffices for a young couple in a small apartment, though I know of one physicist whose wife left him because she was tired of repeatedly moving with little prospect of settling down. When you are in your thirties you will need more: a house in a good school district and all the other necessities of ordinary middle class life. Science is a profession, not a religious vocation, and does not justify an oath of poverty or celibacy.

Of course, you don't go into science to get rich. So you choose not to go to medical or law school, even though a doctor or lawyer typically earns two to three times as much as a scientist (one lucky enough to have a good senior-level job). I made that choice too. I became a scientist in order to have the freedom to work on problems which interest me. But you probably won't get that freedom. As a postdoc you will work on someone else's ideas, and may be treated as a technician rather than as an independent collaborator. Eventually, you will probably be squeezed out of science entirely. You can get a fine job as a computer programmer, but why not do this at 22, rather than putting up with a decade of misery in the scientific job market first? The longer you spend in science the harder you will find it to leave, and the less attractive you will be to prospective employers in other fields.

Perhaps you are so talented that you can beat the postdoc trap; some university (there are hardly any industrial jobs in the physical sciences) will be so impressed with you that you will be hired into a tenure track position two years out of graduate school. Maybe. But the general cheapening of scientific labor means that even the most talented stay on the postdoctoral treadmill for a very long time; consider the job candidates described above. And many who appear to be very talented, with grades and recommendations to match, later find that the competition of research is more difficult, or at least different, and that they must struggle with the rest.

Suppose you do eventually obtain a permanent job, perhaps a tenured professorship. The struggle for a job is now replaced by a struggle for grant support, and again there is a glut of scientists. Now you spend your time writing proposals rather than doing research. Worse, because your proposals are judged by your competitors you cannot follow your curiosity, but must spend your effort and talents on anticipating and deflecting criticism rather than on solving the important scientific problems. They're not the same thing: you cannot put your past successes in a proposal, because they are finished work, and your new ideas, however original and clever, are still unproven. It is proverbial that original ideas are the kiss of death for a proposal; because they have not yet been proved to work (after all, that is what you are proposing to do) they can be, and will be, rated poorly. Having achieved the promised land, you find that it is not what you wanted after all.

What can be done? The first thing for any young person (which means anyone who does not have a permanent job in science) to do is to pursue another career. This will spare you the misery of disappointed expectations. Young Americans have generally woken up to the bad prospects and absence of a reasonable middle class career path in science and are deserting it. If you haven't yet, then join them. Leave graduate school to people from India and China, for whom the prospects at home are even worse. I have known more people whose lives have been ruined by getting a Ph.D. in physics than by drugs.

If you are in a position of leadership in science then you should try to persuade the funding agencies to train fewer Ph.D.s. The glut of scientists is entirely the consequence of funding policies (almost all graduate education is paid for by federal grants). The funding agencies are bemoaning the scarcity of young people interested in science when they themselves caused this scarcity by destroying science as a career. They could reverse this situation by matching the number trained to the demand, but they refuse to do so, or even to discuss the problem seriously (for many years the NSF propagated a dishonest prediction of a coming shortage of scientists, and most funding agencies still act as if this were true). The result is that the best young people, who should go into science, sensibly refuse to do so, and the graduate schools are filled with weak American students and with foreigners lured by the American student visa.


Jonathan Katz
Thu May 13 12:39:11 CDT 1999

forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


各位車迷, 大家好.....


現在爲各位獻上 BMW 新5系試駕. 出門前還記得要帶單眼去, 結果車開到半路, 才想起來把單眼忘在家.

所以下列照片是用iPhone隨便照的, 請各位不要太挑剔, 加減看囉...


還是老話一句, Pixnet相簿滿了, 請移駕

BMW New 5 series

any comments or questions, please feel free to leave a message on my blog.


Cheers.... enjoy....

forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

我家的沙發在歷經6個月的等待終於送來了. 有蠻多人好奇到底我家沙發長怎樣....



請點上面的Link進去看吧. Pixnet的相簿已經滿了, 所以我upload 不了囉.

時鐘是 Diamantini & Domeniconi 的蝴蝶鐘. D&D 是義大利一家專門設計時鐘的公司. 請大家去官方網站觀賞囉.

Snoopy是去年11月去Las Vegas威尼斯人Hotel買的 Tom Everhart的Poster. (因為買不起真正的畫, 在這邊感謝Hope媽幫忙挑框還有Hope小姐熱心贊助表框.)

沙發是義大利Natuzzi 的副牌Italsofa. 在英國, Natuzzi跟Italsofa價位差不多. 但是我們更喜歡Italsofa這一組的設計. 因為是真皮沙發, 所以皮的等級選擇低到高是20-60. 數字越高當然就是越貴, 也越難保養, 跟維護. 所以我們選了30的. 除了皮的材質之外, 還可以選擇加上功能椅功能. 當初, 選Italsofa主要原因是因為, 它的功能椅的拉把是隱藏在arm rest跟沙發坐墊的旁邊, 並不像一般的功能椅沙發是大辣辣的直接做一個把手在沙發的旁邊. (我個人覺得那個把手基本上把整個沙發的美感都毀了. Natuzzi的功能椅的設計跟Italsofa是一樣的.) 請大家去欣賞吧.....



forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()


謹以這首歌, 獻給我最愛的爸媽......(雖然他們看不懂英文, 也不會用電腦)

爸媽, 生日快樂. 我愛你們....


"You Raise Me Up"

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

[Instrumental break]

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up... To more than I can be.

forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


我這次終於記得照相了!! 各位鄉親父老, 今天要跟大家介紹這間位於Central London的義大利海鮮餐廳-----Pescatori.

麵包籃裡有至少三種不同口感的切片麵包. 標準吃法就是麵包沾橄欖油跟巴斯米克醋. 麵包籃邊邊的一小盤綠色olive是送的. Olive非常好吃. 沒有一般橄欖的苦味與澀味. 非常順口!! (連我怕橄欖的吃都非常ok呢!!)

這間餐廳位於Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Circus地鐵站的中間, 偏Tottenham Court Road. 是一家標榜Italian Seafood restaurant的餐廳. 廢話不多說, 直接上菜:

1. 我的前菜: Devon Crab & Dublin Bay Prawn Risotto. 蝦蟹義大利燉飯


這盤Risotto, 廚師很用心的把螃蟹肉挑出來, 搗碎, 加上Salmon 片, 跟 蝦子, 佐Parsley. Risotto的口味非常清淡, 所以海鮮一定要非常新鮮, 才能以這樣子的烹調手法呈現. 這盤Risotto實在是讓我非常驚艷. 所有的味道融合的恰到好處. 把海鮮的鮮味表現的一覽無疑!!

2. Frank的前菜: Salt & pepper soft shell Crab. 椒鹽軟殼蟹


喜歡吃螃蟹的朋友一定不能錯過這盤軟殼蟹. 能在英國吃到軟殼蟹實在是一件蠻神奇的事情. (這是我們的第一次) 軟殼蟹的粉裹的恰到好處. 吃進嘴裡完全可以品嚐出螃蟹本身的鮮味, 還有恰到好處的椒鹽味. 吃到這裡, 我跟我老公就在討論, 不知道他們的進貨管道哪裡可以買的到軟殼蟹. (London Billingsgate的海鮮市場也沒看過有在賣軟殼蟹阿?!) 可能他們有特別的進貨管道吧!! 這兩盤Starter讓我跟我老公開始期待起Main course了.

3. 我的main course: Pan Fried Seabass, Chilli and Shallow Crust, Cherry Tomato Compote


盤子一端上來, 我家老公就說, Wa, 好大一塊 Seabass fillet. 哪裡買的到那麼大條的鱸魚?? (我們其實對他們的進貨管道更有興趣.) Seabass非常新鮮. 沒有用一堆奇怪的醬汁烹煮. 再次強調, 新鮮的海鮮的美味是不需要使用多餘的醬汁的!! 上面舖的那層辣椒跟紅蔥頭酥跟seabass非常配.


Main course端上來沒多久, 帥哥Waiter拿了一個盤子裡面裝兩顆白白的東西走過來. (心中OS: 那麼快就拿薄荷糖給我們幹麻?? main course剛來耶, 現在給薄荷糖不是有點奇怪?!) 結果, 其實那兩顆白白的東西是壓縮紙巾. 帥哥waiter拿水慢慢倒下去的同時, 那個紙巾就因為吸水慢慢長高了. 還蠻特別的服務!!


4. Frank 的 main course: Backed John Dory, Grated Potato, Spinich, Pea Puree, Tomatos


John Dory 是一種魚, 是比較特殊的魚, 畢竟supermarket買不到, 一般的餐廳也沒見過. 最上面那層是Baked Cheese. 跟魚搭起來非常不錯. 可以更表現魚本身的新鮮度. 據我家老公的說法, John Dory 的口感類似Cod, 但是以味道來說, 是Cod的三倍. (就是魚味更濃就對了.)


吃完main course, waiter帥哥把桌上的所有盤子收走的同時, 又讓我發現了一件很特別的服務. 來英國這麼久了, 除了吃米其林餐廳有這項服務之外,  我從來沒有遇到在餐廳吃飯, 盤子收走之後, 有waiter來清桌上麵包屑的. 這是第一家. 大大加分!!! 也因為他們的細心, 我在已經吃了很撐的狀態之下, 甘心願意的試試看他們的甜點.


5. 甜點: Tiramitsu, Special home recipe. 堤拉米蘇


堤拉米蘇非常不錯吃. (但是我自己做的更好吃, 因為我做的是重口味, 酒放比較多..hahahaha) 從這盤提拉米蘇, 不難發現, 這家餐廳真的非常用心. 所有的小細節都顧到了. 而且連視覺效果都營造的非常好!!


總的來說, 這家餐廳真的是非常非常不錯. 海鮮非常新鮮, 烹煮用心, 連所有小細節該注意的都有注意到. 而且Waiter都是義大利帥哥, 肚子跟眼睛都飽了. 現在大家應該好奇價位如何吧?! 我們兩個人, 點了一瓶酒, 加以上食物含服務費 £90出頭鎊. 如果不點酒的話, 大概70鎊左右. 老實說, 這樣的價位在Central London不算貴. 而且東西又非常好吃.

店家Website: http://www.pescatori.co.uk

Service charge: 12.5% 的Service charge會加到Final Bill.



forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()




1. 每天早上起床去跑步, 減肥. (這個已經破功了) 那就等天氣不冷, 再來實行好啦!! (這個還是破功!! 天氣不冷我還是沒有固定去跑步:p)

2. 希望今年我能完成我的sales target (這個已經達成囉!!我還收到一個獎牌跟特別加薪 Merit increase)

3. 希望我爸媽跟我所關心的朋友們, 都能健康又快樂 (這個算是完成一半吧, 我家兩個姪子實在是有點頭痛, 不過我爸媽還蠻健康快樂的)

4.希望我今年能幫我家Chilli找到老婆. (這個還是沒有達成, 一來是因為沒找到適合的母Chinchilla, 二來是我們懶, 因為多養一隻就要多花時間照顧. :p)




1. 我還是希望我的家人跟朋友們能健康又快樂.

2. 希望今年我能跟我的新老闆相處愉快.

3. 希望Frank順利升等.

4. 希望我能減肥3公斤.

5. 希望2010年能再去美國一趟看手帕交跟她兒子.



forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()


一年一度的聖誕節又要到啦!  在這邊先祝大家聖誕快樂, 利用放大假的時候多休息. 人家說休息是為了走更長遠的路ㄇㄟ.

26號開始就是英國的winter sale啦. 請各家姊妹準備好銀彈, 進攻啦.

至於那些台灣友人, 沒放到Christmas的, 別氣憤. 2月的農曆過年就快到啦. 英國可沒有放假哩!! (這樣有沒有平衡一點阿??)

好吧, 一看這篇就知道是混水摸魚篇. (反正也混很久了, 不在乎這一篇啦, 嘿嘿嘿嘿)

祝大家聖誕快樂, 來年心想事成優!!

forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

來英國這麼多年, 第一次遇到下這麼深的雪. (其實去年也有下啦, 只是我剛好回台灣過年, 所以沒遇到)




這是我家大門. 等一下還得把車上的雪鏟光才能出門說.


連門上的聖誕裝飾都灑了一層雪. (這張拍的有點失焦)





這張是我家Garden. 從餐廳的French door往外拍的. 所以連French door上的水珠都拍進去了.


forpatty 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

Halo, 大家好久不見....

從Blog上消失許久, 但是, 是有原因的. 因為忙著買房子跟搬新家. 現在已經搬進自己的小窩兩個禮拜囉. 慢慢習慣安靜的住宅區跟掃不完的Garden落葉.

過年回台灣的機票買好囉, 我們今年還是會兩個人一起回去. 2/5 到 2/20會在台灣吃香喝辣. 如果有需要從英國代購的, deadline是1/10號. (陌生人代購請提前聯絡囉!!)

聖誕節我們哪裡都不會去. (因為買了房子就沒錢了)

11月中要去LA一個禮拜, 拜訪我的手帕交. 好期待看到大腹便便的她, 不知道她是什麼樣子. 還有就是要去Las Vegas說.


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颱風“莫拉克” 挾風帶雨八月掠過臺灣,導致臺灣三天就下了一整年的雨量,創下臺灣有史以來單日降雨量紀錄,從山區到海邊都降雨,尤其是大暴雨造成臺灣南部50年來最嚴重的水災, 使山體滑坡、道路沖毀、房屋倒塌。“莫拉克”颱風造成全臺灣共160人死亡、490人失蹤、45人受傷。另已搶救災民39千零19人,農林魚牧業損失1223千多萬元。



書籍收集日期及時間:2009 91927 (星期一至五由下午3時至6; 星期六、日依開放時間)

書籍收集地點:查寧閣圖書館(Charing Cross Library, 4 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0HF 鄰近唐人街)

聯絡電話:明愛(倫敦)學院: 020 83617161  查寧閣圖書館:  020 7641 1300


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各位鄉親, 好康的又來啦, 一年一度的Colchester Castel Museum 免費開放的時間又到啦.

Colchester是英國最古老的鎮. 遠從羅馬人發現英國這塊蠻荒之地開始, Colchester其實是英國很早很早以前的首都哦.

所以有羅馬人那時候在Colchester 蓋的城堡跟城牆的遺跡. museum 裡面會有更詳細的介紹.

好吧, 免費開放的時間: 9月12日 星期六 一整天都是免費的優!! Castel 開放時間從10am ~ 4:30pm.

各位鄉親, 把握機會阿......


那Colchester近郊還有啥好吃, 好玩的呢??

  • Mersea Island 可以吃海鮮. 地點在West Mersea. 請認明 "The Company Shed" 並請自備酒水跟麵包優.

因為店家只賣海鮮跟沙拉. 並不賣酒水優. 不過有提供酒杯倒是. 此店不接受定位. 如果11:30am前沒到的話, 就準備排隊吧!!

  • Colchester Zoo.  非常值得一去的Zoo. 很多英國人都說比London Zoo還要好很多.


大概先這樣囉~~~~~Have fun....


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1. 28/08 ~ 05/09 一個禮拜 (只幫認識的朋友代購)

各位同鞋, 有需要我從英國買東西回去的, 請這個禮拜天前跟我說優....不然我沒有時間買東西囉~~~~


2. 就是農曆過年那段期間啦.........(陌生人代購請使用這段期間)

陌生人代購收費方式: (英鎊*57)*1.2(代購費用) + 台灣當地郵寄郵資= 你所需要匯款的金額

陌生人代購, 請先留言聯絡, 須先預收全額匯款金額, 才能幫你代購. (無誠或是不相信我的誤試哦!!)



可代購物品: Clarks, burberry, Bodyshop, Whittard of Chelsea, Anyahindmarch, illy(coffe), Twinning Tea, PG tea.......etc.

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各位姊姊妹妹, 一起來振奮經濟吧.


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